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Patriot Guard Final Itinerary for
Fallen Hero Firefighter Captain Neal W. Smith
Died in Line of Duty
Date of death: 17 Sept 2012

Mission Dates: Wednesday - Thursday, 26-27 Sept 2012
Location: Wichita, KS

  Cpt Neal Smith

       Firefighter Captain Neal W. Smith, 46, of the Atascocita Texas Fire Department, died in the line of duty on Monday 17 September 2012. Cpt. Smith is a US Navy Veteran and Wichita native.  His funeral was held in Humble, Texas on Monday 24 September.  Cpt. Smith will be transported to Wichita, KS for burial at Greenwood Cemetery.  He will be laid to rest with full military and firefighter honors. The family has invited the Patriot Guard to attend the graveside service.

The Patriot Guard extends our sincere sympathy to the Smith Family, friends and firefighters.  Please keep this family in your prayers.
Please check Patriot Guard website for possible updates to final itinerary


Bring your own water and snack: Bring Rain Gear

Encourage all who attend to wear black shirts

Airport Escort & Final Staging:   Wednesday, 26 September 2012
     Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas, 2173 South Air Cargo Road, Wichita, KS
1900 hr (7 PM) - Staging Area Opens
Directions: From 54/400, ride south past Harry Street toward Airport Terminals, then take
     South Air Cargo Road exit. At stop sign, proceed south past Crossfield Road, turn at
     next right (west) into parking lot, ride to south end. Line up in 6 lines facing east and
     flag-up motorcycles with American flags.
1920 hr (7:20PM) - Flight arrival
     Escort briefing prior to departure
Depart to Heritage Funeral Home, 502 West Central, Andover, KS

Airport Escort Pre-Staging for Derby & South Wichita areas:
1745 hr (5:45 PM) - Derby QT – 71st South & K15
     South parking spaces & in Ultra Modern parking lot
1800 hr - Depart to Airport

Graveside Service:   Thursday, 27 September 2012
     Greenwood Cemetery - 6231 West 47th Street South, Wichita, KS
1000 hr (10AM) - Graveside service starts
     Provide avenue of flags and flag perimeter around family, friends and firefighters
     Full Military Honors and Firefighter honors

Graveside Service Final Staging: Thursday, 27 Sept 2012
     Greenwood Cemetery - 6231 West 47th Street South, Wichita, KS
     ====> 47th Street South & Hoover Road, 1/2 mile West on 47th, ride in West entrance
     Temperatures: morning 62 - possible rain - Noon 74
0830 hr (8:30AM) - Staging Area opens
     Watch for directions from the Flag Staging Crew as you arrive
     Riders with flag poles will be directed to line up in column of 2's in one area
     Riders without flag poles in column of 2's in second area
     Cages (4 wheeled vehicles) in third area
Each motorcycle fly only one 3X5-foot American flag

0940 hr - Flag line in place to receive family and procession

Graveside Service Pre-Staging for Derby & South Wichita Areas:
0715 hr (7:15 AM) - Derby QT - 71st south & K15
     South parking spaces & in Ultra Modern parking lot
0730 hr - Depart to Greenwood Cemetery

Patriot Guard Mission Ride Captain:
Terry "Darkhorse" Houck -
Patriot Guard State Captain 

Link to obituaries:
    Rosewood Funeral Home (Humble, TX)
    Heritage Funeral Home (Andover, KS)
    Wichita Eagle