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Above and Beyond Recognition for
Kansas Casting, Belle Plaine, Kansas
July 18, 2007


Wednesday, July 18th @ 10:30 am, Kansas Castings of Belle Plaine, Kansas was awarded the "Above and Beyond" award by Major General Bunting of the Kansas National Guard. Major General Bunting had Jerrod Hays present the award to his employer. This award was in recognition of the company's support for their employee and Kansas National Guardsman, Jerrod Hays.  Jerrod was injured in Iraq earlier this year.  Jerrod attended and was honored by Major General Bunting, CSM Rodina and several other high ranking officers who landed in a Black Hawk helicopter at Kansas Castings.  Kansas Castings and the employees saw that Jerrod Hays and his family were taken care of while he was serving overseas and after his injury.
     Many community members, VFW, and American Legion members were present. There were about 30 motorcycles that came in a procession. American Legion Department Commander, Dan Roberson was present for the ceremony. The American Legion Riders of Kansas presented Jerrod Hayes with a proper homecoming. Bruce Country Branson, Director of Post 68 presented Jerrod with a special coin, Steve MacDaddy McDonald of Post 136 presented him with an ALR coin,  Jerry Jarhead Allen of Post 136 presented a Patriot Guard patch, and Cregg Bronco6 Hansen presented Jerrod with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Legion Riders. There were many ALR Chapters represented.
     Again, thank you Kansas Castings for what you do, and Jerrod Hays, you are a hero to us.

Greg "EBay" Hansen
Kansas American Legion Rider Area Director
Kansas ALR Director Post 406 Andover
Kansas Patriot Guard Co-Captain
cell phone 316-461-8350