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Birthday Memorial Celebration for

Alexander "Alex" Funcheon

March 2, 2008
Hello everyone,
   We will be gathering March 2, 2008 at 2:00 pm at the Kechi cemetery to remember Alex's 22 birthday.  Please bring a helium balloon for our launch or some flowers for the grave.  After wards we are going back to our home for some refreshments.  We are not sending out formal invites, so if you know of anyone who would like to come, invite them.  Hope to see you.

Karen and Bob


Birthday Memorial Celebration for:
Alexander “Alex” J. Funcheon
This Sunday:  02 March 2008
1400 hr (2PM)
US Army Sgt Alex Funcheon, 21, of Bel Aire, Kansas was killed in action 29 April 2007 in Baghdad, Iraq.
If you can, please join Bob and Karen to celebrate this 22nd birthday of their son, Alex. 
Pre-Staging for Derby, Mulvane, Haysville, Douglas, Rosehill, Udall, and surrounding south area riders & cages.
1215 hr (12:15PM)  Sunday 02 March 2008  Meet at Derby QT-- K15 & 71st St South for area members.
1230 hr (12:30PM)   Alefs Harley Davidson dealership (Wichita, KS)
1300 hr (1PM)    FINAL STAGING AREA:   
Alefs Harley Davidson dealership (Wichita, KS) east side parking lot, located east side of 135 at 53rd  Street exit.
Riders with flag poles will be directed to line up in column of 2’s in one area and riders without 
flag poles in column of 2’s in another area.  4-wheeled vehicles will follow to cemetery. 
1330 hr (1:30PM)  depart to Kechi Cemetery, take 53rd street east, go to Hillside, turn left (north) to 2nd entrance to cemetery, to gravesite.
Ride Captain:
Terry "Darkhorse" Houck