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ALR Mission Complete for
American Legion Rider / Patriot Guard Co-Captain
Greg "Ebay" Hansen

Saturday, 27 December 2008

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27 December 2008 Kansas American Legion Rider Area Director, Patriot Guard Co-Captain, and US Army 26th Airborne Pathfinder Veteran Greg "Ebay" Hansen was laid to rest.  Greg was a good husband, a good father, a great man, and a brother in arms.
The staging crew and road guards arrived at the staging area to start organizing the cages and motorcycles as they rolled in.  Temperature was 25 degrees with wind-chill in the teens.  The sun shined briefly before snow flurries started.  The Riders on motorcycles and Riders who caged did not let the weather get in the way.  The cages and non-flagged motorcycles departed to Hope Community Church after the briefing.  The flagged motorcycles arrived about 15 minutes later.  We flew a small number of American flags followed by two Kansas flags, then several of  each military
service branch flags, plus POW/MIA, ALR and Chaplain flags.  After those, many American flags were flown on the motorcycles that followed that group.   Ebay would have loved that sight. We all formed an avenue of flags in preparation to receive Ebay.  His hearse was escorted from Lakeview Mortuary by a motorcycle Honor Guard which consisted of American Legion Riders from many Posts.  Andover Police and the Butler County Sheriff department provided escort for the groups of motorcycles and cages.  All riders, friends and active military gave a salute as Ebay was removed from the hearse.

Assigned AL Riders took turns standing guard over the casket and Ebay.   ALR 406 riders, led by Bruno, provided a motorcycle escort of the family and friends to the church.  The funeral services started several minutes after 1400 hr.  It was standing room only with people standing all the way to the front entrance and out the front door.  US Marine Corps Reverend Doctor Kenton D. Van officiated at the services.  Kenton Van is an American Legion Rider whose ride name is "Saint", and he was a personal friend of Ebay.  "Saint" gave a very uplifting eulogy and spoke from the heart about his friendship with Ebay.  Cregg "Bronco 6" Hansen, US Army Master Sergeant Juanita Milligan (combat-wounded Iraqi War Veteran), and Darkhorse spoke of Ebay's leadership and service to all who knew him and his continued service to America.  Greg "Ebay" Hansen's name was known by thousands of people in Kansas as well as in every state in the USA, and by our men and women fighting terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Following the service, Ebay's casket was led outside by Charles "Bagpiper" Liles.  The US Army 1st Infantry Division Funeral Squad from Fort Riley, Kansas provided full military honors for Ebay.  They folded his casket flag while in the church, then gave him a 21-gun salute and played "Taps" after he was moved outside by the hearse.  Ebay was returned to the mortuary for cremation.  The motorcycle Honor Guard escorted his hearse to the mortuary, led by the Butler County Sheriff and the Andover Police Chief. 
After the service ended, family and friends were escorted by Andover Police Officers and ALR 406 Riders from the church to Andover Central Middle School for a luncheon.  ALR 401 provided a flag line at the door to receive everyone.  Many tears and laughter were shared as everyone remembered Ebay that afternoon.
Heartfelt thanks go to the American Legion Riders, ride captains, road guards, volunteer honor guards, staging crew, and flag line crew.  Thanks also to every person who supported this mission, including members of many other motorcycle organizations.  You showed great honor by holding the American Flag to honor Greg Hansen and his family.  We are grateful to each and every one of you who took time to be there.  It was an honor to stand with you.  Thank you to Charles Liles for his inspiring bagpipe music during the services.  A warm thanks goes to the CMA for bringing hot coffee out to the flag line.
We especially thank the law enforcement agencies for making the mission safe and uneventful. 
We hope that all who traveled a long distance on bad roads made it home safely without incident.  God bless each and every one of you.
On behalf of Ebay and his family, we say to all of you "Job well done.  Mission accomplished."
Bronco 6